Scenario Planning Guide
Election SOS Scenario Planning Guide
Understatement: It’s a complex time for the United States to be determining the direction of the country. And reporting on threats to this year’s election is a challenge unlike any before. Understaffed newsrooms have made it clear they need support and guidance to feel equipped to do the job.
This Scenario Planning Guide is designed to help newsroom leaders, journalists, and freelancers consider and plan for various outcomes - some inside and others outside - of their control.
We’ve broken it down into three major sections:
- Protecting Staff from Harm
- Protecting the Act of Voting
- Protecting the Results
In each section, you’ll find a series of questions and resources to help your newsroom prepare, as well as coverage decisions to grapple with, story ideas, support organizations, and additional reading.
Soon we’ll also be adding specific experts from our Trusted Elections Expert Network - so do check back. We will update the guide periodically and publish the version history as well as major updates.
To get this free guide, please fill out the brief form below. You’ll be redirected to a Google Doc and at the top of the Doc, there are links to download the guide as a Word Document or as a PDF. Note: Download permissions through Google Drive are disabled so you will need to click on the link at the top of the doc.