Election SOS and the American Press Institute are partnering to provide a Trusted Elections Expert Network. This database is designed for you to quickly find vetted, non-partisan diverse election experts across a variety of topics to call on for sources and for support. The searchable directory is sorted by location, expertise, election topic, and language.
Connect with a Trusted Elections Expert
Vanita Gupta
President and CEO / The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights
Vesla M. Weaver
Bloomberg Distinguished Professor of Political Science and Sociology / Johns Hopkins University
Viki Harrison
Director of Constitutional Convention and Protect Dissent Programs / Common Cause
Virginia Kase Solomón
President and CEO / Common Cause
Vivian Schiller
Executive Director / Aspen Digital
Whitney Ross Manzo, PhD
Associate Professor of Political Science and Pre-Law Adviser / Meredith College
William Burke White
Professor of Law, Non-Resident Senior Fellow / University of Pennsylvania Law School
William Frey
Senior Fellow | Metropolitan Policy Program / Brookings Metro
William T. Adler, PhD
Associate Director / Bipartisan Policy Center Elections Project
Witold Walczak
Legal Director / ACLU Pennsylvania
Yosef Getachew
Senior Policy Counsel / Reset.Tech
Zoltan Hajnal
Professor of Political Science / University of California, San Diego
This list is informed by Hearken ElectionSOS and API’s Trusted Elections Network. The American Press Institute’s Trusted Elections Network was a 2020 initiative comprised of a separate private network that connected both journalists and experts to better understand and cover elections, consider strategies for addressing persistent misinformation challenges, and provided journalists with relevant expertise in real-time to strengthen election coverage this year.
Election SOS has expanded this network since 2020, adding 50+ more experts in 2022.
Election SOS’ Trusted Election Experts are selected by the Election SOS outreach team. We invite scholars, advocates, attorneys, journalists, and anyone who has a verifiable body of work behind their opinions, to join the network. The experts are identified by their relevant expertise, their availability, and their commitment to benefitting the public good. No compensation is exchanged for the experts’ time, and it is up to the individual to respond to requests as they are able. The team finds our trusted experts through various means including their professional and personal networks, following the news, researching university and think tank websites, and recommendations from reliable sources. We look for people and organizations that demonstrate accountability and transparency in their research, meet our program objective to represent a variety of voices, and rely on our own journalistic instincts when vetting them as trustworthy.
If you or someone you know want to contribute your expertise to the Election SOS Trusted Election Expert Network please contact info@electionsos.org