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Preparing for Democracy Day – September 15, 2024


September 15 is the International Day of Democracy. We are calling on newsrooms across the United States to turn their coverage toward threats to democracy and solutions to those threats. It’s critical for Americans to understand that the real threats could end democracy in the U.S. as we know it, and it’s clear journalists need to do more to explain the stakes and highlight who is doing work to protect it.  

With support from Hearken and helmed by the Center for Cooperative Media, Democracy Day catalyzes reporting on the anti-Democratic threats that Americans are facing before the 2024 elections. 

To participate, you will need to:

— Get a commitment to participate from your organization and its leadership.
— Sign up to be a media partner.
— Agree to the expectations regarding what is required and encouraged for media partners.
— Once you sign up, we will be in touch with more information, including suggested taglines, branding you can use, webinar dates, etc.

To participate, media partners will be asked to:

— Allow your name and logo to be added to the media partner page.
— Produce at least one story or piece of content (but we encourage more!) from the content menu below on Sept. 15, outside of a paywall if you have one.
— Share back links to stories, broadcasts, podcasts, etc., with the Democracy Day team so we can compile them.
— If you’re not with a newsroom, we will ask you to promote Democracy Day to your networks.

Learn more and sign up to participate here.