Step 1 of 4 25% Thank you for your interest in this program. Please answer the following questions to apply for a spot in one of our upcoming Engaged Elections and/or Trustworthy Elections training cohorts. Training sessions in the Election Protection topic track will be offered on an ad hoc basis in response to questions and current events and require no application at this time. This form should take about 20 minutes to fill out, and the form does not auto-save. Your responses will be kept confidential. If you have any questions, contact us at Thank you! Tell us a little about yourselfName* First Last Job Title* Organization* Email* Tell us what you’re applying forWe are offering two cohorts - one in engaged elections coverage and one in building trust through your coverage. Engaged Elections participants will come away with a concrete strategy for surfacing and responding to the critical information needs of the communities they serve. We will focus on the citizens agenda model for elections coverage and how newsrooms, news organizations and community-based sources that surface and respond to their publics' critical information needs can pursue outreach in the age of COVID-19. Trustworthy Elections participants will be prepared to talk openly about their news process and decisions related to their election coverage, in ways that distinguish their coverage from 'the media.' They also will learn how to combat misinformation and train their audiences to be smarter news consumers. One intended outcome is for learners to walk away feeling empowered to engage with their communities, respond to questions and comments and process user feedback, even when that feedback may be negative. Each cohort takes approximately a four-hour commitment each week over four weeks. You can participate in both cohorts or select one. If you are working full-time, we strongly recommend participating in only one training cohort at a time. If possible for your organization, we recommend having a colleague join you for the cohorts so you can collaborate on your strategy. Everyone from your organization interested in these cohorts should apply. Which training track(s) are you applying to join? Select all that apply.* Engaged Elections Trustworthy Elections We expect each class to require 4 hours a week of your time. Can you commit to that?* Yes No Not sure, but I'll do my best. Classes and discussions will typically be held as follows: Engaged Elections, on Mondays and Wednesdays from 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. PT / 2-3:30 p.m. ET. Trustworthy Elections, Tuesdays and Fridays, 10 a.m.-11 a.m. PT / 1-2 p.m. ET. They will be recorded, but every effort should be made to join live.Are those time slots that would generally work with your schedule?* Yes No Not sure, but I'll do my best. Tell us about your situationPlease rate how strongly you think your immediate supervisor supports your participation in this cohort.* 1 - n/a - They don't know I'm applying 2 3 4 5 - Strongly supports Please rate how strongly you think your overall newsroom management supports the objectives of this program.* 1 - n/a - They don't know I'm applying 2 3 4 5 - Strongly supports Tell us about those you are looking to serve with your coverage. How well are you meeting their information needs currently, and where can you improve?*A core part of this training will include learning about, and implementing strategy toward better practices in diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI). In regards to the public that your news organization serves, how would you describe the variety of people within the whole of your stakeholders? How does your news organization currently practice inclusion of diverse stakeholders? And, how does your organization currently practice equity among its stakeholders?*How likely do you think it is your newsroom’s coverage for the variety of people within the whole of your public could improve, given the right training?* 1 - Not at all likely 2 3 4 5 - Very Likely We will work with every participant on a strategic framework they can use to plan their elections coverage, so we want to understand what success will look like for you after completing this training. How will you know it was worth your time?*How does your role include or overlap with local, regional or national election coverage?*Who else do you expect will benefit from your participation in this program, and how?*What is your level of capacity and interest in staying connected with cohort members after the program to learn from and support each other during the election season?* 1 - Not at all interested 2 3 4 5 - Very interested Engaged ElectionsDescribe whether and how your organization is currently pursuing engagement in your coverage.*How will this help you build upon what you’re already doing or develop new capabilities?*Trustworthy ElectionsDo you talk about the importance of earning user trust in your newsroom already, or if you do not, are you willing to? Explain.*Tell us about where you have the greatest opportunity to build trust and why.*Final QuestionIs there anything else you would like us to know as we evaluate your application?